Please find below a list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not here then please contact us on 0800 689 9600 or via the website here and we will try and help you.
Please click on the question to display the answer.
What are the tests?
Heart for Life uses a combination of cardiac investigations combined with a detailed medical questionnaire to exclude certain cardiac conditions. The tests most commonly performed are an electrical recording of the heart (ECG) and an ultrasound investigation of the heart structure and function (echocardiogram).
Where are the tests performed?
The cardiac tests are performed in Jersey at Bon Sante Consulting Rooms, Lido Medical Centre, St Saviours Road, Jersey, JE2 7LA
How long do the tests take?
Depending on the chosen package, the tests take between 15 minutes and an hour to complete. Subsequent analysis of the tests obtained takes considerably longer so results are posted to you at a later date.
Are the tests uncomfortable?
No. The tests are painless and allergic reactions to ECG sticky pads are uncommon. The echocardiogram uses harmless sound waves to recreate an image of the heart.
What should I wear?
We suggest wearing light weight, loose fitting clothing so that we can access your heart area for the investigations. Please talk to one of our staff if you would like a chaperone present.
How do I pay for the tests?
We have chosen PayPal as our preferred safe and secure method of online payment. You can log in with your own account or simply check out as a guest using your credit card.
Why do I have to pay?
The Heart for Life programme is a private heart screening service that is not funded by government. Any additional tests that may be required can be performed for a charge or provided by the local hospital service depending on your eligibility.
What happens if something is wrong?
If an abnormality is picked up during the tests you will be notified directly with information explaining what has been found and a plan regarding any further testing or treatment. This may involve a consultation with a member of the cardiac team.
What implications are there for driving and my work?
There are some cardiac conditions that can disqualify you from certain activities and careers and that may have impact on insurance policies. This is clearly of particular importance for commercial airline pilots, public vehicle drivers and professional divers. We recommend that you consider the impact of finding a cardiac abnormality carefully as we cannot accept responsibility for any subsequent financial loss or inconvenience due to the screening process. Please read our terms and conditions for more information.
Is the programme confidential?
Yes, although we will send a copy of your test results to your general practitioner if you request it.
When do I get my results?
Once you have had your investigations they will be analysed by the cardiology team and a report sent out by post. You should receive your results within sevenworking days but you will be told if there is likely to be any delay when you attend for your tests.
Will the tests clear me to compete in athletic sports?
The Heart for Life packages provide the most efficient way of screening you for cardiac conditions that might endanger you during competitive sport. We recommend however that you take your test results to your general practitioner or sports doctor for a full physical examination before competitive participation as there are some conditions that our tests may not detect. If you would like to arrange a consultation with one of our consultant cardiologists to discuss this further then please click here.
How do I get my results?
Test results are currently printed and posted directly to the address you specify.
Will my general practitioner (GP) be told?
Only if you request it. If your results are abnormal then we would recommend that you contact your GP to discuss the proposed management plan.
What happens if the test results are incorrect?
Although cardiac screening can be beneficial, no test can be a 100% guarantee of your future health. Every step will be taken to minimise any false positives and false negative results. Heart for Life Ltd and its employees cannot be held responsible for any conditions that arise following normal investigations. Please read our terms and conditions for more information.